Saturday, March 25, 2017

report text - equinox


An equinox is the moment which the plane of earth’s equator through the center of sun which occurs twice a year, around 20th march and 23rd september ,or in other opinion The equinoxes are the only times when the solar terminator (the "edge" between night and day) is perpendicular to the equator. As a result, the northern and southern hemispheres are equally illuminated. The word comes from Latin equi or "equal" and nox meaning "night". 

Last week, indonesia was rookery by the chain message about equinox and it make some people restless. Because, the content of broadcast message is issue about temperature in several country like Singapore , Malaysia and Indonesia can fluctuate until 40 degrees celcius. The message also say that the equinox could causes dehydration and heat stroke.

Actually , its not clear at all. In fact equinox is the annual phenomenon that happen twice a year. Maybe some place that right in equator will be an increase in tempherature. But its not denger as the broadcast message say. Equinox is different from heat wave in South Africa.

Equinox is just annual event that marks the spring season in northern hemisphere and autumn season in southern hemisphere.At the time the lenght of daylight and night its same that is 12 hours in the whole of the world except in pole.

Something attractive of equinox are when you right in equator at 12 am you cant see your shadow because sun right above your head as happened in equator monument,Pontianak

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

how to be great people

dalam sebuah buku yang saya baca, saya mendapatkan sesuatu yang berharga , dan menurut saya layak untuk saya bagi dengan anda, 


  • Berdamailah dengan ketidaksempurnaan
  • Jangan menginterupsi / memutus kalimat orang lain
  • berbuat baiklah pada orang lain & jangan ceritakan itu pada siapapun
  • percayai intuisi anda
  • isilah hidup dengan kasih sayang
  • berhenti menyalahkan orang lain, introspeksi diri anda
  • tetaplah merasa nyaman , walau tidak mengetahui sesuatu
  • jadilah pendengar yang baik
  • tahan keinginan untuk tergesa-gesa memberikan kritik

THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL ~ a translation of hans christian andersen's "den lille pige med svovlstikkerne"

  THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL Hari itu sangat dingin. Salju turun, dan hari hampir gelap. Malam tiba, malam terakhir tahun ini. Dalam cuaca dingin...